If Silver flakes falling from scalp to your shoulder, it shows you are suffering from dandruff. Dandruff is the One of the biggest villains in to hair care. There are lots of remedies which can easily available in our home itself. Dandruff can be removed permanently if you try these remedies. The main causes of dandruff are order less diet, artificial products, stress etc. It may be affecting our beauty. So it’s the time to protect your hair from dandruff.
1. Fenugreek
Take 2 table spoon of
fenugreek seeds and soak it into water. Crush seeds in the form of paste. Massage
to your scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, wash the hair properly.
2. Coconut Oil and Camphor
Heat 4 table spoon of
coconut oil and add one piece of camphor to it. After allowing it to cool apply
this mix to your hair. Massage it until 15 minute.
3. Egg and Lemon
Take 2 egg whites and mix it
with 4 table spoon of lemon juice. Apply this to your scalp. Wash it after 15
4. Margosa leaves
Take Margosa also known as
neem leaves, and crush it. Mix it with water . Wash your hair with this mixture
of water.
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